If you have a prayer request that you would like us to pass along to others who will pray on your behalf, we would be honored to pray for you.
Prayer requests are sent to members of Cornerstone Bible Church and staff who are a part of the Prayer Chain Ministry. Please be concise with your requests and know that they may be edited for length and content to protect confidentiality. Any prayer request received on Friday after 3 pm will be sent out the following Monday morning.
Elder Prayer
If you would like to be prayed over by the Elders, simply click the following link to make an appointment for prayer and we will get in touch with you:
Elder Prayer Appointment Request
Elder Prayer Appointment Request
Prayer Following the Worship Service
If you would like one-on-one prayer in person, simply come forward at the end of any of the Sunday morning worship services, and someone from the prayer team will meet with you and pray right then. You can also write your prayer request on the Connection Card that you will find in your bulletin. Place the card in the offering bag or in a bucket near the exits, and the staff and elders will lift your request to the Lord during the week.