Upcoming Events
Her Story
At our CBC Women’s brunch on June 29, 2024, we had the incredible opportunity to hear the testimony of one of our dear sisters in Christ, Cathy Plante. It is truly amazing to hear how God has worked in and through her over the past few years. We would love for you to witness her story and celebrate how God has provided and walked with her through it all.
Summer 2024 Bible Study
The Bible is full of amazing stories about women who God chose to work with to bring about His purposes within the story of the world. These examples can offer us encouragement as we see how God guided their experiences to both accomplish His will and draw each of them closer to Himself. In this weekly Bible study, we will dive deep into the lives of six Old and New Testament women in order to be challenged, strengthened, and encouraged in our own walks of faith.
Additional Resources
Spring Bible Study
In His life and ministry on earth, Jesus used stories to convey truths and deep spiritual lessons about God’s kingdom. In our modern western mindset, some of the rich meaning of these stories is diminished because we are thousands of years removed from their original context. In this weekly study, we will explore six parables of Jesus in their ancient context to find that these stories abundantly and clearly reveal the character of God, the nature of His kingdom, and our need for Jesus.
Summer Study
CBC Women’s Summer Podcast
The Beatitudes get to the essence of who we are to be as imitators of Christ and the gracious benefits that come when we live that way. We can have all the right actions in the world, but if our motives are not right, we’ve missed the kingdom Jesus in describing. The Beatitudes show us how beautiful the blessings are that come from genuine attitude and heart transformation. For 8 weeks, we will learn what God’s kingdom looks like here on earth and learn how to progressively embody that picture as we live like, and for, Christ in our daily life. This study has 8 weekly podcasts and an accompanying study guide with discussion questions to help dive deeper into Scripture and facilitate spiritual growth.
The Goodness & Greatness of God
The Psalms are full of the goodness and greatness of God! There are both timeless and timely truths that we can discover together. Audra Churchill has written and produced a weekly podcast with corresponding studies that will lead us through 8 different Psalms of praise, thanksgiving, lament & wisdom. The study consists of 8 weekly podcasts and corresponding study questions to help you go deeper into God’s Word. It works well as both a group study, and as a personal Bible study.
Our Living Hope Podcast
Listen & Connect with others over timeless truths about God’s character and His work in the lives of women like you and me. Our podcast is available for women, their friends, and family. Eight Cornerstone ladies share transcendent, foundational truths that the Lord has impressed on their own hearts. We promise you will be blessed, encouraged and challenged.
Week 1 – Becky Keife “Choosing Living Water”
Week 2 – Dreena Peck “Facing Giants”
Week 3 – Heather Hitzeroth “God’s Complete Love & Grace”
Week 4 – Amanda Shibley “Reaching Up by Reaching Out”
Week 5 – Candace Williams “Bread Crumbs: Disappointments”
Week 6 – Diane Hoback “Perseverance”
Week 7 – Kari Shepherd “How to Pray”
Week 8 – Jen Walker “Drawing Near to God”
Pam Salcido
Women's Director
Pam is dedicated to God, family and friends, a woman who places the needs of others above her own and is eager to help however she can. She has been happily married to John for twenty-five years, with three wonderful children and two adorable grandsons! You will regularly see her engaging with women between services on Sunday, and she is happy to meet with you for coffee or tea outside of church.